Friday, September 30, 2011

So Pingu wanted pawn...

And therefore he got it!  Now I only have 31 pieces to go....:|

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Angry Birds

Technology.. meet craft! I've just finished an amigurumi of a character (the pig) from an iPhone / iPad game. It's quite a success I think!
I found the pattern at Ravelry (and you can find all about the 'real' pig here but resist the temptation to be drawn into the game, you may never return!)

I also finished the new born niece's dress but unfortunately winter just seems to have up and disappeared. That's really quite annoying as I'm enjoying knitting and crochet at the moment. The amigurumi's don't seem to be too hot to work with and I'm hoping to get good enough to design my own soon enough!

Here's the dress:

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Well it's only taken me a year but I've finally finished the cushion! (don't tell Mum that short cut the edging... it's very very dodgy!). 
Now all I have to do is finish the rest of them.  Oops!